sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Oraciones con CAN y CAN' T.

  1. I can play videogames.

  2. I can ride a bicicle.

  3. My mother can cookie hotcakes.

  4. My brother can play skate.

  5. My dad can cookie tacos.

  1. I can't draw and paint.

  2. I can't sing and write histories.

  3. My mother can't drive a car.

  4. My brother can't take photos.

  5. My dad can't eat sugar.

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

30 AUGUST 2008

Family Members.
Verb to be.
Countrys an Nacionalitys.
Greetings an Farrewels.
Pronuntation ABC.
Evaluation in general.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008